Spring is great! Well, maybe not so much if you suffer with seasonal allergies. You know the drill with sneezing, itchy eyes, and needing to blow your nose continuously. It’s bad enough when you are the one suffering, but it’s harder to deal with if it’s your little one. Helping your child navigate through spring allergy season is not an easy task, but we can give you some useful tips.
Is It A Cold Or Allergies?
Sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether your child has a common cold or is suffering with allergies. There are symptom similarities like congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, nose and face, but there are some telltale signs of an allergy.
They include the following:
- Your child gets a “cold” at the same time every year, like when the weather changes.
- Your child is rubbing their face especially the eyes and nose.
- You notice your child is breathing through their mouth instead of their nose.
- The intense congestion can cause asthma symptoms like being short of breath.
- The drainage from allergies will be clear and watery, whereas a cold will produce thicker mucus with a yellow or green color.
Best Ways To Help Your Child Navigate Through Spring Allergy Season
Once you are sure your child is suffering with seasonal allergies, there are ways to combat its effects.
Limit Outside Play Time
Of course you don’t want to prevent children from playing outside now that the weather is so pleasant, but you can choose the right time. Have them remain indoors in the morning when the pollen count is at its highest. Let them be outside in the afternoon or early evening. They need the valuable Vitamin D the sun provides.

Try to watch the daily pollen counts, and avoid too much outdoor time on windy and dry days.
Keep Your Windows Closed
This is a tough one. You crave the warm air of spring after a long winter, but it’s best to close out the pollen. Use your AC.
Talk With Towson Pediatrics About The Right OTC Medications
There are many OTC children’s meds for allergy symptoms. Watch that you use the right dosage. Begin dosing as soon as symptoms begin and don’t stop until the pollen count drops. It takes a while for the medications to work properly, so give your kids a head start.
If they don’t seem to be working, it is best to speak to your pediatrician. It may be that your child needs weekly shots to combat their symptoms.
Expand The COVID Recommendations
This means not only wash hands as soon as you and your family come inside, but change clothes, bathe and wash hair before bedtime. Pollen will stick to everything, and it’s best your little one NOT bring it to bed with them.
Whatever you do to help your child navigate through spring allergy season, do not ignore it. Untreated allergies can lead to more serious problems like asthma flare ups.
Contact Towson Pediatrics if your child is not responding to over the counter medications for allergy symptoms.